If you’re anything like me, you’re probably pretty frustrated right now. Production has been all been shut down across the country, and you’re probably just waiting around for it to be safe to go out there and shoot again. Well, while you’re waiting around, why not take the time to learn a little more about entertainment and production insurance?!
Right now, all of us here at Equipment and Production Insurance are available to join your Zoom meetings, Google Hangouts, or wherever else you might be digitally socializing to discuss insurance.
Maybe you’re a film school teacher or student and you’d like to get me to guest lecture for your class?
Perhaps you’re a production company and you’d like to educate yourself and your employees about how insurance works?
Or maybe you’re at a rental house and you want to make sure everybody is on the same page insurance-wise?
Just invite me to a meeting and I’d love to clear that all up for you! I’ll try to keep the barking dog and screaming kids at a minimum, but no promises!
Here I am doing a presentation for El Camino College – Film 124 Production Planning to be exact. Today’s teleconferencing capabilities are so helpful for education and business!
Want to see an example of one of my presentations? Check it out!