Saving money is always a great way of improving your bottom line, so this time out, I’m focusing our monthly eNewsletter on saving money on film insurance. Please read on to understand three different ways you can do exactly that.
1. Bundling: purchasing certain types of coverages together, versus individually.
2. Right coverage: Making sure you get the right amount of coverage appropriate to the risk you are facing.
3. Increasing deductible: Like you may have experienced when you purchase personal insurance, increasing your deductible, will alter the premium you pay. So, only get what you need.
As always, I encourage you to call me or a member of my team for a discussion to find the exact approach that suits your particular need. We can also work up some proposals that show a variety of coverages, so you can compare and choose the right coverages and rates.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Is Workers' Compensation Insurance Required for Filmmakers?
Film producers know that even with the best safety measures in place, accidents on the set can happen, If an employee gets hurt during production, your film company can be held responsible. Workers' Compensation Insurance protects you and your film company from medical expenses, and lost wages of employees and actors hurt on the job. California Film Companies Must Carry Workers' …
How Can You Save Money on Film Insurance?
You're in the film business to make money, and one way to increase your bottom line is to cut insurance expenses. We are not saying that you should NOT have insurance. On the contrary, film insurance is necessary and in some cases required by law. However, you can save money on film insurance just by following a few easy tips.
Short-Term Equipment & Production Insurance
Short-Term Production Insurance If you’re working on a smaller, faster shoot, like a music, online or corporate video; a television pilot, PSA, educational or training film, and you're only shooting a few productions, Short-Term Equipment & Production Insurance is for you. You'll get fast coverage at competitive rates.