Dear Valued Customer,

It's understood that film insurance is necessary factor to budget into your production, but live productions also need to be insured. Not only that, whether in film or live productions, if you’re using SAG actors, you’re required to have coverage of at least $1,000,000 of General Liability and $1,000,000 of Workers Comp. Not only that, failing to have workers’ comp insurance in the state of California can result in hefty penalties and fines.

I frequently get calls from people asking about drones. They particularly want to know what the law says about flying them and whether or not they need drone insurance. I’m sharing three important things you need to know before you use a drone to film video. Please read on.

As always, I encourage you to call me or a member of my team for a discussion to find the exact approach that suits your particular need. We can also work up some proposals that show a variety of coverages, so you can compare and choose the right coverages and rates.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Luke Gelineau

Going Live! Production Insurance is NOT Just for Film

live production insurance
The majority of film producers know they need film insurance, but what about producers of live productions? Do you know which types of insurance coverage is required and where to get it? Let’s take a look at the most common types of production insurance. Are your actors part of the Screen Actor’s Guild? Many actors and actresses participate in both ...Read more...

Do I Need Aircraft Liability Insurance?

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How Much Is the Required SAG-AFTRA Insurance?

actors SAG-AFTRA insurance requirement Post Insurance
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